BIO 121 Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, Obligate Parasite, Gram-Negative Bacteria

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Parasites, syphilis pathogen, lyme disease (borrelia), treponema pallidum. Gram negative cocci with complex life cycle. Facultative: organism can do one thing in one situation and another thing in a different situation. Many bacteria that grow as symbionts in animal guts can grow in labs. Symbiosis: a close, long term association, participants (symbionts=flora) Different genus from streptococcus, which is low gc gram positive. Low gc gram positive bacteria (not all gram positive) Many different growth forms (living free/ colonial) Some produce high resistant endospores to survive harshness. Diseases: (yersinia pestis) bubonic plague, cholera, salmonella. Extreme environments, many in less extreme environments. Different lipid membrane constituents than bacteria, eukaryotes. Sulfolobus live in hot sulfur springs (ph 2-3, 70-75c. Some are methanogens: produce methane, obligate anaerobes. Decompose, nitrogen cycle, cyanobacteria early on produced oxygen, gut component, Threshold amount for normal brain, nerve, blood cells production. Human prokaryotic pathogens are all bacteria (not archaea) Some produce endotoxins( gram negative) released during cell lyse.