BIO 200 Lecture Notes - Lecture 31: Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy, Chronic Wasting Disease

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The real tree of life vs our view of the tree is biased. The three domain model is a better system. Diversity is noted in different ways for different organisms. Plants, fungi, and animals are (slightly) more understood. Has two characteristics - organized and replicates itself. No plasma membrane - no cytosol - no organelles. 4 types - plant virus (tmv), animal virus, bacterial virus, animal virus (influenza) Complex viruses are binal in shape - icosahedral and helical. Bacteriophage first evidence of viruses that attack bacteria. He named these viruses bacteriophage, or eaters of bacteria. Virus replication is parasitic - through infection - dna instructs cell"s machinery - trick into replicating viral genome - destroys the infected. Reproducing a virus - virus enters cell - strip off virus"s outer coat of protein - nucleic acid released - gets into chemical manufacturing system which makes new viruses - lices - cell is destroyed.