BIO SCI 97 Lecture 4: Bio 97 Lecture 4

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Homozygous: each allele makes a normal function allele. In homozygous: neither allele produces functional products. In heterozygous: only one allele making the normal gene product, but the other is not functional. Less than the normal gene product may or may not have a phenotype. Homozygous/heterozygous: normal product is made, but doesn"t work as well as a wild-type. Partner doesn"t have normal functions as well. Homozygous: you gain 6 instead of the normal 4. Heterozygous: you gain 5 instead of normal 4. Excessive gene action (more of the normal gene) Gain a new novel function (an entirely new function) Might be more sever in the homozygous case. Clicker question #1: a) nonsense mutation inserts a stop codon completely nonfunctional so null allele. 1) epistasis -- two different gene loci that control the same trait. Phenotypes are controlled by multiple genes, not just one gene. Allele of one gene modify or prevent expression of alleles of the other gene.