LIFESCI 4 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Gregor Mendel, Punnett Square, Pea

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Lifesci 4 - lecture 1 - introduction and syllabus. Objectives of the course: understand basic genetics concepts, understand how to do the genetic problems, understand the genetic experiments. Sending emails: head with ls 4 student lecture 1 . No partial credit for quizzes all or nothing. Has data to support the first 2 principles about how genetic information is transmitted from one generation to the next. Studied garden pea plants to solve genetic mystery. Parents pass on to offspring discrete heritable factors genes which are responsible for inherited traits. Self-fertilization : one individual plant can produce both male and female gamete. In the same plant, the male can fertilize the female (without an external source) F2 : round & wrinkled (wrinkled = recessive) Round seeds (cid:987) gives 100% round homozygous (cid:988) gives 25% wrinkled, 75% round heterozygous. Alleles : the r and r of a gene (rr) controls seed shape.

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