MCD BIO 138 Lecture Notes - Lecture 14: Retina, Neural Tube, Retinal Ganglion Cell

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Attach to anchorage points in ecm laminin thru integrins - changes internal cytoskeleton at end of axon projection. N cad homophilic interactions btween these cells + migrating neuron. Commissural neurons are responsive to netrin -> extend ventrally then project to floor plate. Dorsal neural explants placed near column of floorplate/floorplate proteins exp: Stain for netrin -> found only in floor plate. Mutant has no axon projections to ventral area/floorplate + abnormal migration of commissural neurons. Slit binding to robo 1/2 -> repulsive cue -> filopodia do not extend across floorplate. Robo 1/2 + robo 3 = 3 complex -> no slit binding, no repulsive cue. Robo 3 expression on commisural neuron downregulated after crossing midline/floorplate -> growth cone becomes sensitive to slit -> exits floorplate. Commissural neurons insensitive to semaphorin -> crosses midline -> express semaphorin receptors -> repulsed by semaphorin -> restricted to floorplate -> neuron does not go back to dorsal side.