CHEM103 Lecture 11: CHEM103 Lecture 11

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Electric and magnetic fields whose intensities oscillate over time. Wavelength: the distance between two crests or troughs. Frequency: the number of crests that pass any point in 1. 00 second. 1 cycle/sec = 1 cycle = 1 sec^-1 = 1 hertz (hz) A light is composed of particles called photons and quanta. The energy of a photon is proportional to its frequency, not its intensity (the brightness of the light) Where ephoton = energy of a photon. *the above variables could be wrong because this was types (double check) Photoelectric effect (1905): photons of light can cause a metal to lose electrons, but this only happens is the light has a certain minimum frequency (the threshold frequency) Electron i atoms can only be found in certain orbits (cannot be in between rings) The energy of an electron (eel) depends on its orbit (n) For a hydrogen atom, k has a value of 2. 18*10^-18 joules.