BIO 469 Lecture Notes - Lecture 20: Ocean Acidification, Sea Butterfly, Pteropoda

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Peril of the sea butterfly
Pteropods - A case study on the biology of ocean acidification
The ocean is a shared resource and an important global environment, providing food
and oxygen (half that we breathe) while balancing the world's temperature, water and a
lot of other chemical budgets
The changing ocean
Human activities are disrupted by the balance of the ocean causing
Chemicals, plastic
Because of warming and nutrients
Because of CO2
Because of CO2
Concerned about acidification
This stress seriously damages the shared resources that the ocean provides
Disrupted food webs and biogeochemical cycles
Direct loss of fisheries
Loss of reef tourism and protection
The changing ocean
Ocean acidification
The burning of fossil fuels releases ~11 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atm
every year and ~ 30% ends up dissolving into the world's ocean
In consequence the average pH of seawater has dropped by .1 and expect a .3
This change is happening 10 times faster than the last major OA event,
which happened 55 millions years ago and was associated with a major
extinction of some calcifying ocean animals (foraminifera)
Chemistry of ocean acidification (diagram)
Affects photosynthesis, increase
Hydrogen ions
Ionic imbalance
Affects diffusion gradients and Proton Pumps (use more
energy to remain in homeostasis)
Protein denaturing (enzymes are proteins! AND most
cellular structures have proteins in them)
Carbonate ions
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Document Summary

Pteropods - a case study on the biology of ocean acidification. The ocean is a shared resource and an important global environment, providing food and oxygen (half that we breathe) while balancing the world"s temperature, water and a lot of other chemical budgets. Human activities are disrupted by the balance of the ocean causing. This stress seriously damages the shared resources that the ocean provides. The burning of fossil fuels releases ~11 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atm every year and ~ 30% ends up dissolving into the world"s ocean. In consequence the average ph of seawater has dropped by . 1 and expect a . 3 change. This change is happening 10 times faster than the last major oa event, which happened 55 millions years ago and was associated with a major extinction of some calcifying ocean animals (foraminifera) Affects diffusion gradients and proton pumps (use more energy to remain in homeostasis)