L07 Chem 111A Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Electric Field

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Atoms are the smallest particles characteristic of a specific element. Atoms of different elements have different mass and are indivisible. (protons etc) Atoms of a given element are identical: same mass and other properties (isotopes) Atoms retain their identities throughout all reactions (nuclear makes false) Atoms combine in ratios of integers to form compounds. (non-integer ratios) Potential energy: energy stored in a given system. Coulombic potential energy (pe in j) as function of distance: 4 0 r q1 = charge of particle 1 (c) q2 = charge of particle 2 (c) 0 = 8. 854 * 10^-12 (c^2/(jm)) r = distance between the charges (m) 2 like charges -> q1q2 > 0, r>0 thus v(r) > 0. 2 unlike charges -> q1q2 < 0, r > 0 thus v(r) < 0. 1 r2 (+) force: repulsive interaction (-) force: attractive interaction. Michael faraday: late 19th century -> field concept.