NURS 6201 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Peptic Ulcer, Hematemesis, Melena

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18 Aug 2021

Document Summary

Barbara hren, a 40-year-old woman, was previously admitted to the hospital for exacerbation of crohn"s disease. Cbc and h&h, bun (blood proteins broken down by gi tract), electrolytes d/t hematemesis, Abg (?) monitor respiratory status if she is losing blood (hb/ o2 capacity), blood type, ua- dehydration. May need to do endoscopy (egd) to find source of bleeding. She begins to vomit copious amounts of bright red blood. B. h. "s hgb is 9. 2 g/dl, hct is 33%. Hook up to continuous vitals (q15), iv fluids (lactated ringers), blood transfusion, prepare for endoscopy (may need ng), meds for nausea (iv if ordered) B. h. has been stabilized and is sent for an emergent endoscopy and receives hemostasis therapy. It is approximately 30 minutes after the procedure was complete and she is lethargic, but alert and oriented when you arouse her. If the patient has an ng, must be npo.