PSYC-2102 Chapter Notes -Daily Monitor, Secondary Source, Coursework

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25 Apr 2022

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Figures and tables from research methods for the behavioral sciences. F. j. , foranzo, l. b. (2019) research methods for the behavioral sciences. Identify possible sources and use them to identify a topic area for research (2. 1) Define applied research and basic research (2. 1) a. Define primary and secondary sources (2. 2) a. b. Explain the role each plays in a literature search. Describe the process of conducting a literature search, including using an online database (2. 2) a. Conduct a search to locate current published research related to a specific topic. Describe the differences b/w a full-text database and one that isn"t full text (2. 2) a. Explain pros and cons of each in a literature search. Identify the basic sections of an apa-style research article (2. 3) a. b. Summarize and critically evaluate the content of each section for an existing article. Explain how idea for new research study can be obtained from an existing research publication (2. 3) a.