BSC GEOLOGY Study Guide - Stratovolcano, Soot, Iceberg

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A volcano is a land-structure, a mountain, where liquid rocks eject through the outer layer of the planet. The spring of gushing lava mountain opens downwards to a pool of liquid rocks underneath the outer layer of the earth. At the point when the tension develops in the worlds outside layer, emissions happen. Gasses and rock shoots up through the opening and overflow or swirl around with magma sections. The fountain of liquid magma ejection can cause horizontal impacts, hot debris and magma stream, mud-slides, and that"s only the tip of the iceberg. A functioning fountain of liquid magma is one which is as of late emitted and there is plausible that it might eject soon. A lethargic well of lava is one that has not ejected in quite a while but rather there is plausible it can emit from here on out.