NURS 335 Study Guide - Final Guide: Linea Nigra, Preterm Birth, Uterine Contraction

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14 May 2023

Document Summary

Diagnosis of pregnancy & signs: presumptive, probable & positive. Presumptive signs: changes felt by the women (presume) Same as fhr ultrasound visualization of fetus: b- raxton hicks. Contractions- contractions w/o dilation, practice labor: a- softening of the cervix ( goodell"s sign , b- luish/purplish color to the vulva, cervix, and vagina ( chadwick"s. A&p of pregnancy-structure and functions fluid within the amniotic sac that . Provides cushion less than 300 ml oligohydramnios. 1000 ml @ 37 weeks (term) more than 2 l hydramnios (assoc. w/ Gi issues) ph is 7. 2 prevents amniotic sac from adhering to fetal skin. Ava: 2 arteries (carriers deoxygenated blood away), 1 vein (carries oxygen rich blood & nutrients to fetus) Supplies oxygen & nutrition to embryo & removes waste products. Supine hypotension syndrome- mom suppresses her vena cava by lying on her back. Prevent this by asking moms to lie on their sides instead of their backs.