BIOL1003 Study Guide - Final Guide: Thylacine, Archaeopteryx, Comparative Anatomy

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16 May 2018
2.1 Darwin (1809 1882)
1846-1854 after publishing the Beagle findings, Darwin spent 8 years on barnacles, learning
comparative anatomy, homology and classification - this helped establish him as a naturalist
so that he could propose the idea of evolution (controversial).
1837 Darwin thought the Galapagos irds ere arieties of okigirds ut Joh Goulds
expertise helped Darwin identify that they were all finches.
1859 - Darwin put forward a plausible mechanism for evolution - Natural Selection.
Darwin's syllogism - if:
i. There is variation within a population (phenotype, behaviour, genotypes, DNA
sequences and chromosomes); and
ii. Variation is heritable; and
iii. There is a struggle for existence; and
iv. “oe ariats surie/reprodue etter tha others
v. Then natural selection must occur.
Darwin used a phylogeny or evolutionary tree to establish common ancestry.
On his second Voyage on the Beagle (1831-1835), Dari as readig Charles Lells Principles
of Geology and read and considered the idea of gradualism big changes being built up
graduall, ad gradual eig a stepise proess.
Richard Owen (1804-1892) interpreted the fossils of the Beagle expedition.
Homology common ancestry between structures or character, eg: organs, genes and
Characters are just features or features of structures of an organism/species, eg:
feathers: blue vs. red.
Homologous characters characters in different organisms that are similar because they
were inherited from a common ancestor.
By looking at many homologous characters, scientists can estimate which species are closer
relatives of each other, eg: the Tasmanian tiger is marsupial, like the kangaroo. This
homologous character was used to differentiate its phylogeny from that of the placental
Analogy similarity attributable to similarity in function.
Ma of Daris other piees of eidee for eolutio are asiall other eaples of
o Embryology - embryos show homologous characters not obvious in the adult form.
o Vestiges homologous characters that are dramatically reduced in form and
function from the original, eg: appendix in humans.
o Atavisms homologous characters found in ancestral species that only appear
rarely in living species, eg: tails in humans.
o Fossils using shared homologous characters, we can place fossils on cladograms. In
Daris da, ol a fe isolated fossils ere aailale suggestig ho ajor
transitions happened, eg: gradual origin of birds from dinosaurs origin of feathers:
Archaeopteryx modern birds.
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Document Summary

There is variation within a population (phenotype, behaviour, genotypes, dna sequences and chromosomes); and. Dar(cid:449)i(cid:374)(cid:859)s da(cid:455), o(cid:374)l(cid:455) a fe(cid:449) isolated fossils (cid:449)ere a(cid:448)aila(cid:271)le suggesti(cid:374)g ho(cid:449) (cid:373)ajor transitions happened, eg: gradual origin of birds from dinosaurs origin of feathers: Artificial selection: there is variation among individuals in some attribute and trait, humans prefer certain traits, and selectively grow/breed animals with those traits. Natural selection: there is variation among individuals in a trait, a consistent difference between that trait and reproductive success or survivorship, the variation is (at least partially) inherited. Then: within-generation effect the advantageous variants will become more frequent in the population as they survive to reproduce. If the population is not at equilibrium, there will also be a between-generation effect; the offspring generation will differ from the parental generation. Misconceptions: mis(cid:272)o(cid:374)(cid:272)eptio(cid:374): (cid:862)if stude(cid:374)ts are taught that they are a(cid:374)i(cid:373)als, they (cid:449)ill beha(cid:448)e like a(cid:374)i(cid:373)als .