HUMB1004 Study Guide - Final Guide: Cerebral Cortex, Medial Longitudinal Fissure, Grey Matter

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Brain includes: cerebrum 2 hemispheres, diencephalon, cerebellum, brain stem. Great longitudinal fissure separates the 2. Linked in the middle by corpus collosum. Increase in sa increases the number of cell bodies in the cortex. Central sulcus divides frontal and parietal lobes. All contain cell bodies of motor neurons but most are located in precentral gyrus. Ap is generated here, goes down through white matter to brain stem then to spinal cord to synapse with a motor neuron on the ventral horn. Humunculus a specific gyrus for deliberate movements mapped into body areas, coronal view of the motor cortex showing the areas of the cc which are responsible for which types of motor control. Some areas have more of the motor cortex devoted to it because they need more motor control/finer motor control. Areas represented with how many motor neurons are dedicated to the part in the motor cortex. Motor planning makes a plan and passes it to primary motor cortex.