MMM132 Study Guide - Final Guide: Decision-Making, Organizational Conflict, Social Skills

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Decision making process: a set of eight steps that includes identifying a problem, selecting a solution, and evaluating the effectiveness of the solution. Identification of a problem: the discrepancy between an existing and a desired state, e. g. company car keeps breaking down, need to buy a new one, critique: whether a problem is a real issue or not is completely subjective. Implementation of the alternative: putting a decision into action, e. g. buying the holden, evaluation of decision effectiveness, decide if the problem is solved, e. g. the company now has a reliable car. Involves managers making decisions using experience and accumulated judgment: most common in real life scenarios, best in crisis situations with limited time. Describe the types of decisions and decision-making conditions managers face pp. 70-73. Problems: the type of problem determines how managers approach solving it. Unstructured: a problem that is new or unusual for which information is ambiguous or incomplete.