1016MSC Study Guide - Final Guide: Zygote, Gastrulation, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin

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Review questions and concept checks
Topic 6.1
Male and female reproductive system and pregnancy
Q1. List the structures through which sperm will pass during ejaculation.!
"ductus deferens!
"3 parts of the urethra!
Q2. Explain the location and function of the interstitial cells and#sustentacular#cells.!
"interstitial cells: work within spermatogenesis, release testosterone!
"sustentacular: work within spermatogenesis, release ABP and inhibin!
Q3. Briefly describe the nervous system control of the male sexual response.!
"ANS is dominant!
"SNS would have increased blood flow to muscles and not to penis, disallowing an
erection, therefore ANS is dominant and allowing blood to flow to penis !
Q4. Name the glands involved in producing seminal fluid.!
"seminal vesicles!
"prostate gland!
"bulbouretheal gland!
Topic 6.1 concept check
Male reproductive system is composed of the gonads (testes) and accessory structures
(ducts, glands, external genitalia).!
Sperm are produced in the seminiferous tubules of the testes and travel to the
epididymus for maturation.!
Upon ejaculation they travel through ductus deferens, urethra (3 regions) to the exterior.!
Glands are seminal vesicles, prostate, bulbourethral. Which produces most seminal fluid?!
"seminal vesicles!
Trace the descent of the testes during foetal development.!
The scrotum is designed to keep the testes at a constant temperature.#!
The penis is composed of erectile tissue (corpora cavernosa superior, and corpus
spongiosum inferior). Why is it important that the corpus spongiosum does not become
as engorged as the corpora cavernosa?!
"urethra passes through corpus spongiosum, ejaculation could not occur if corpus
spongiosum was engorged!
Spermatogenesis takes about 70 days and occurs in the seminiferous tubules of the
Involves stages of mitosis, meiosis (a reduction division process) and morphological
Primary spermatocytes are derived from type B spermatogonia and enter into meiosis I.!
Secondary spermatocytes are formed by meiosis I which then undergo further division
without DNA replication (meiosis II) to produce spermatids (4 cells with half the normal
chromosome number).!
HPG axis regulates spermatogenesis.#!
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Eects of testosterone are androgenic and anabolic.#!
Topic 6.2
Female reproductive system
Q1. Explain hormonal control of the ovarian and menstrual cycle, including how the
cycles are linked.!
"surge of FSH and LH stimulate ovulation which causes a surge or progesterone!
"Menstrual and proliferative phase correspond with follicular phase !
"Secretory phase corresponds to luteal phase !
Q2. Use a flowchart to illustrate the process of oogenesis.!
"oogonia (diploid stem cells) develop into primary oocytes!
"oocyte and follicle cells= primordial follicle!
"after puberty, it becomes a primary follicle!
"once mature, it becomes a secondary (Graafian) follicle!
"meiosis 1 occurs!
"meiosis 2 only occurs after fertilisation !
Q3. How does oogenesis dier from spermatogenesis?!
"oogenesis is formation of egg, only 1 ovum results !
"spermatogenesis is the formation of sperm, 4 sperm results !
Q5. The primary function of the uterus is to!
"a"Synthesise female hormones!
"b"Protect the ovaries!
c Receive retain and nourish the fertilised ovum
"d"Regulate the ovarian and menstrual cycles!
"e"Receive sperm!
#Q6.# Eects of oestrogen include which of the following?!
"a"Growth of the larynx!
"b"Deepening of the voice!
"c"Development of the breasts at puberty!
"d"Promotes oogenesis and ovulation!
e Both c) and d) are correct
#Q7. Normally menstruation occurs when blood levels of!
a FSH decline
"b"oestrogen and progesterone increase!
"c"oestrogen and progesterone decrease!
"d"oestrogen#from the#corpus luteum#increases!
"e"LH increase dramatically!
#Q8. The small opening of the uterus that the sperm would first enter is called the
#Q9. What signals the corpus luteum to continue producing hormones if the oocyte is
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Document Summary

List the structures through which sperm will pass during ejaculation. ductus deferens. Explain the location and function of the interstitial cells and sustentacular cells. interstitial cells: work within spermatogenesis, release testosterone sustentacular: work within spermatogenesis, release abp and inhibin. Brie y describe the nervous system control of the male sexual response. Sns would have increased blood ow to muscles and not to penis, disallowing an erection, therefore ans is dominant and allowing blood to ow to penis. Name the glands involved in producing seminal uid. seminal vesicles prostate gland bulbouretheal gland. Male reproductive system is composed of the gonads (testes) and accessory structures (ducts, glands, external genitalia). Sperm are produced in the seminiferous tubules of the testes and travel to the epididymus for maturation. Upon ejaculation they travel through ductus deferens, urethra (3 regions) to the exterior. Trace the descent of the testes during foetal development. The scrotum is designed to keep the testes at a constant temperature.