FIT1047 Final: Operating Systems

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Operating Systems
Saturday, 26 May 2018
7:23 PM
An Operating System (OS) is a piece of software (a program) or a collection of different pieces of
software that manages the resources in a computer and provides a convenient interface between
application programs and the hardware.
An Operating System provides a level of abstraction between hardware and software.
As a programmer, you do not need to know how hardware works
By calling a function in the OS, you can send a message to another computer via the internet
Operating System Core Tasks
Managing multiple processes running in parallel
o A process is a program that is currently being executed
Managing the memory that processes use
Provides access to file systems, the network and other I/O resources
The core functionality of an OS is provided by the Operating System Kernel, or kernel for short.
Main goals of an OS is to make computers easier to use, for both end users and programmers
For end users, an OS typically provides a consistent user interface, and it manages multiple
applications running simultaneously
Most OS provides some level of protection against malicious or buggy code
For programmers, the OS provides a programming interface that enables easy access to the
hardware and input/output devices
It also manages system resources such as memory, storage and network
The OS hides some complexity between consistent, well documented interfaces
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Document Summary

An operating system (os) is a piece of software (a program) or a collection of different pieces of software that manages the resources in a computer and provides a convenient interface between application programs and the hardware. An operating system provides a level of abstraction between hardware and software. Computer: as a programmer, you do not need to know how hardware works, by calling a function in the os, you can send a message to another computer via the internet. Operating system core tasks: managing multiple processes running in parallel, a process is a program that is currently being executed, managing the memory that processes use, provides access to file systems, the network and other i/o resources. The core functionality of an os is provided by the operating system kernel, or kernel for short. Abstraction: main goals of an os is to make computers easier to use, for both end users and programmers.