ATS1263 Study Guide - Final Guide: Transhumanism, Side Effect, Rubber Band

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Document Summary

Aging/senescence = the gradual and progressive loss of various functions over time, beginning in early adulthood, leading to decreasing health, vigor, and well-being, increasing vulnerability to disease, and increased likelihood of death. Life-extension = an increase in the number of years that a person remains alive. It may be accomplished by a variety of means, including reducing causes of death among the young, combating the diseases of the aged, or the slowing down of aging. It may involve pushing back senescence or merely allowing an individual to survive into longer and deeper senescence. Age-retardation = the slowing down of the biological processes involved in aging, resulting in delayed decline and degeneration and perhaps also a longer life. It is one possible route to life- extension. Lifespan = the verified age at death of an individual, and therefore the strictly chronological duration of life. Maximum lifespan = the longest lifespan ever recorded for a species.