ATS1310 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Mount Pinatubo, Volcanic Dam, Wind Wave

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Appeasing & managing natural hazard through prayer, sacrifice, traditions. Connections made b/w human = events occurring. Focus on physical causes & how to protect/predict. Attention directed to people"s decisions to occupy hazard- prone land. Long-term data monitoring, assessment & evaluation to identify trends over time in order to make informed decisions. Focus on historical and current socio-economic reasons that poor people and regions severely suffer from disasters. Looking to address structural & persistent vulnerabilities (lack of opportunity etc. ) Looks beyond local, short-term loss reduction in order to mesh disaster reduction with a realistic development agenda that secures a more sustainable future. Previous perspectives remain relevant, but shift in emphasis. Disaster management the range of strategies & interventions to manage disasters. Scientific & civil engineering measures to modify hazard/resist it through (e. g. : house constructions (stilts flexible, reinforced, defensive walls (levees, dams, sea walls) against floods, lahars, tsunamis, avalanches, rock falls, lava flows, cloud seeding (against drought)