MGC1010 Study Guide - Final Guide: Reverse Discrimination, Outsourcing, Ingroups And Outgroups

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Are often unalterable and can affect the way people perceive you. Examples- age, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, physical ability. Aspects of ourselves that have had a significant impact on shaping us and are also able to be altered. Examples- income, geographical location, education, work experience, marital status. Inclusivity = the degree to which the organisation is open to anyone who can do the job, regardless of their diversity attributes. Research shows that the best" organisational cultures are inclusive because they value talents, ideas and creative potential of all members. Having diversity improves organisational performance and individual performance. Reason 1 for having diversity - the business case: This is the key difference between diversity and equal opportunities. Promoting equality is good for the business because it. For example, lego"s original target market was all boys because they had an all male board.