PSY1022 Study Guide - Ultimate Attribution Error, Cognitive Dissonance, Stanford Prison Experiment

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20 Jan 2017

Document Summary

Study of how people influence others behaviour, beliefs and attitudes. We seek to evaluate our abilities and beliefs by comparing them with those of others. Outbreak of irrational behaviour that is spread by social contagion. Enhancement in performance brought about by the presence of others. Tendency of people to alter their behaviour as a result of group pressure. Tendency of people to engage in uncharacteristic behaviour when they are stripped of their usual identities. Emphasis on group unanimity at the expense of critical thinking. Tendency of group discussion to strengthen the dominant positions held by individual group members. Group of individuals who exhibit intense and unquestioning devotion to a single cause. Approach to convincing people to change their minds about something by first introducing reasons why the perspective might be correct and then debunking them. Adherence to instructions from those of higher authority. Study of how people influence other s behaviour, beliefs and attitudes.