HPE162 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Internet Addiction Disorder, Problem Gambling, Depressant

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HPE162- Review Questions
Lecture 1
. Usig su aer as a eaple to eplai the puli health approah”.
. With referee to the Ottawa Charters 5 atio areas eplai Australias suess
story regarding tobacco.
3. Using Diabetes as an example, make a case for prevention.
4 Explain the difference between individualistic and collective approaches to health.
5. What is meant by social norms and how do these influence health positively and
6. Explain with the use of examples why evidence based policy is important in health.
Lecture 2
1. Discuss the differences between the illnesses that contribute towards mortality and
morbidity in Australia.
2. How do the social determinants of health impact on the health status of individuals?
3. How can the social determinants of health explain the health inequities (gap)
between aboriginal and non-aboriginal people? Include an example for each
Lecture 3
1. Explain why early life is a social determinant.
2. Explain how the stolen generation has impacted on the health of Indigenous
3. Compare and contrast Nordic and Australian approaches to the early years
development, child protection and parental support.
4. Which approach is more effective and why?
Lecture 4
1. How does road fatalities and injuries relate to social determinants?
2. What are some physical/technical environmental modifications that have made
roads and cars safer?
3. What are some policy/legislative changes that have made driving safer?
4. How does social responsibility relate to driving behaviour?
5. What are some key messages that target social responsibility related to driving?
Lecture 5
1. How do genes influence eating behaviours?
2. What are the socio-environmental factors that influence eating behaviours?
3. How do these socio-environmental factors influence eating behaviours?
4. What policies could be implemented to counteract these socio-environmental
5. Is physical activity the magic bullet to the obesity problem?
6. What are socio environmental barriers that prevent people from being physically
7. What policies could be implemented to counteract these socio-environmental
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