IMED1001 Study Guide - Final Guide: Autonomic Nervous System, Reflex Arc, Baroreceptor

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16 Feb 2020

Document Summary

Discuss autonomic control with reference to the structure and function of the. Describe the role of the ans in vegetative functions. Explain how the ans controls many target organs through. Explain how control is exerted in the absence of dual innervation. Describe how the autonomic nervous system is influenced by the central nervous system. Autonomic = functioning independently of the will; self governing, independent . Heart rate, bp, body temperature, digestion, etc. Animals with their ans blocked cannot survive on their own. (have to be kept warm and stress-free) Unconscious, automatic, stereotyped responses to stimulation involving visceral receptors and effectors. 1. blood pressure detected by arterial stretch receptors; 2. afferent neuron carries signal to cns; 3. efferent signals travel to the heart; 4. heart then slows, reducing blood pressure. Afferents go to both conscious and subconscious centres. Defecation and micturition reflexes are integrated in spinal cord.