MGMT1135 Study Guide - Final Guide: Organizational Culture, Organizational Commitment

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7 Dec 2020

Document Summary

It needs to be adapted to what the organisation wants to achieve. It needs to be adapted to the organisation"s environment. In a strong culture, the organization"s core values are both intensely held and widely shared. Less need for detailed policies & procedures. Know the way things are done around here . Have great influence on the behavior of members. In a weak culture, the organization"s core values are not clearly defined, communicated, or widely accepted by those working for the organization. Greater need for detailed policies and procedures. Don"t know the way things are done around here . Lead to political games or status quo. High formalization creates predictability, orderliness, and consistency. A strong culture achieves the same end without the need for written documentation. Formalization and culture are two different roads to a common destination. The stronger an organization"s culture, the less management needs to be concerned with developing formal rules and regulations to guide employee behavior.