SSEH3301 Study Guide - Final Guide: Stationary Bicycle, Exercise Prescription, Physical Fitness

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Chapter 4: Health and Fitness Assessment
Health is the absence of disease or infirmity (weakness), it is a state of complete physical,
mental and social well-being
Components of Health
a. Blood pressure
b. Cholesterol & Blood Glucose Level
c. Lung Function
d. Physical Activity
e. Nutrition
f. Smoking
g. Stress
Physical fitness is the ability to last and persevere under difficult circumstances where an unfit
person would give up.
Components of Fitness
a. Cardiorespiratory Endurance
b. Muscular Strength
c. Muscular Endurance
d. Flexibility
e. Body Composition
f. Motor Skill (Balance, agility, power)
Why assess health and fitness?
Identify / prevent diseases and risk factors
→ Determine current level of fitness
→ Determine safe levels for exercise
→ Set goals
→ Assess progress
Which tests to use → Valid (measure what is suppose to measure), Reliable (repeat test,
same results), Norms (ease of comparison), Economy (cost and ease of administration)
How to test health and fitness component:
1. Cardiorespiratory Fitness
a. Maximal or Submaximal Testing
b. Measures HR, RPE, VO2, BP and ECG
c. Mode: Treadmill, cycle ergometer, field test
d. Test termination: Angina, request to stop, failure of HR to increase
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2. Muscular Strength
a. Mode: Cable tensiometer, Dynamometer, RM testing
3. Muscular Endurance - (usually specific to a group of muscle)
a. Repeated effort till fatigue
b. No of reps or no of reps in a given time
4. Flexibility
a. Visual evaluation
b. Mode: goniometer, flexometer, sit-and-reach
5. Body Composition
a. Measured by: DEXA, BMI, Skinfolds, Girths, Waist:Hip Ratio
6. BP
a. Take lower of 2 readings, take 3 if > 10mmHg difference, classify based on
higher reading
7. Cholesterol and BGL
a. Fasting before testing
8. Lung Function
a. Spirometry test measures how much air you can inhale, how much air you can
exhale and how quickly you can exhale.
9. Nutrition
a. Direct observation, 24hr recall, 3-day diet record, food frequency questionnaire
b. Total fat < 30%, Saturated fat <10%, fibre 25gram
10. Alcohol
a. Australian Alcohol Guidelines
i. < 2 standard drinks per day
ii. < 4 drinks on a single occassion
iii. Increase no alcohol free days per week
11. Physical Activity
a. Subjective Assessment (questionnaires, diaries)
b. Objective Assessment (Hr monitors, pedometers - step measurement,
12. Stress measured by Perceived Stress Scale
13. Medical History by questionnaires
14. Smoking by questionnaires
Standardisation of test conditions
→ Restrictions (no prior exercise, no food/drink 2-3 hrs - esp coffee/alcohol, no heat exposure,
no smoking 1 hr prior)
→ Other factors to consider (posture, fasting, medications, order of tests, instructions given)
Test score interpretation
Comparison to norms or past scores (personal best)
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Document Summary

Health is the absence of disease or infirmity (weakness), it is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. Components of health: blood pressure, cholesterol & blood glucose level, lung function, physical activity, nutrition, smoking, stress. Physical fitness is the ability to last and persevere under difficult circumstances where an unfit person would give up. Components of fitness: cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, body composition, motor skill (balance, agility, power) Identify / prevent diseases and risk factors. Which tests to use valid (measure what is suppose to measure), reliable (repeat test, same results), norms (ease of comparison), economy (cost and ease of administration) How to test health and fitness component: cardiorespiratory fitness. Increase no alcohol free days per week: physical activity, subjective assessment (questionnaires, diaries, objective assessment (hr monitors, pedometers - step measurement, accelerometers, stress measured by perceived stress scale, medical history by questionnaires, smoking by questionnaires.