BIOL 1902 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Freezing Rain, Torpor, Glycerol

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Natural history midterm notes- doc 4 of 7. Rete mirabile/ wonderful net = countercurrent heat exchanger = parallel pipes of flowing fluid in opposite directions to save energy/ regulate hot/cold temperature. Tucking extremities under wing helps stay warm ex. grouse animal conserves heat by breathing through nose = counter current vessels in snout ex. fox. For birds, choice of roost size is important to conserve heat. Coniferous trees offer more warmth when covered in snow= where animals roost. Animals sleep in cavities in trees for warmth: small owls, chickadees, woodpeckers flying squirrels raccoons. Flying squirrels, raccoons and voles huddle together for warmth. Some animals build structure for warmth: muskrat"s build lodges, beaver"s build lodges, add mud/snow for insulation, breathing hole/ chimney. Small animals find warmth under snow, in a subnivean space: snow builds up/compresses/turns into ice crystals, heat comes from ground. Snow bed = burrow/ make chamber in snow. Animal bask in sun to absorb solar energy.