ELEC 3509 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Horse Length

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9 Jan 2019

Document Summary

For the l associated with c2, assume that rs = 0. (4 marks: find the h"s for the circuit. Do not include c 1. (4 marks: given that vcc = 15v, 1= 2= 100, re = 700 , the voltage on the emitter of q1 is about. 11v and the voltage on the collector of q2 is about 5v, determine resistor values for rb1, Rb2, rb3 and rc such that the collector current of q1 is about 1 ma and the current through rb1 is about 10 times the base current of q1. (4 marks) 2: with t models (pi model is also acceptable) , with rin as in 3. v o v s v o v. 1 : ro2 goes from c to e will turn on the transistor. 2: dc ic1 = 1 ma, = 100, ib1 = 10 a, irb1 = 100 a. Ve1 = 11 v, vb1 = 11. 7 v, and rb1 = (15-