LAWS 3306 Study Guide - Final Guide: Indictable Offence, Due Process, Dj Manian

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Document Summary

Worth 55% of mark (out of 55) (3 hour exam) 2 parts 1 essay (out of 30) choice of 2 essays. Questions that draw upon themes in the course, you"ll be able to grab areas of information to support your answer during ever lecture we have done. Short answer (5 short answer 5 marks each) (choice of 13 questions) You can use point form (1 point form answer does not mean 1 mark) Exam is cumulative (short answer is slightly more on the latter part of the course) Actors that respond to crime: (crown, lawyers, judge, criminal/accused, victim/ complaints, officers) Not all criminal activity makes it to court (lots of cases get settled before court, plea bargains, preliminary inquiries etc) Main goal of a legal court system is to move the accused to the state of factual guilt to legal guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Crime control (more aggressive model focused on guilty convictions)