NEUR 3403 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Pituitary Gland, Blood Sugar, Frontal Lobe

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Processive stressors are those that involve information processing and understanding of the threat. Uncertainty is when something may or may not happen. This is more likely to happen when the stressor is predictable: sensitization refers to the increase in the number of synapses that respond to s specific event or stressor in response to exposure to that stressor. Chapter 2: appraisals, coping and well-bring: appraisal is the evaluation that individuals make in response to a potential stressor. It involves the assessment of risk, severity, controllability, predictability, ambiguity and meaning of threat. Associative coherence is when a stimulus or event is consistent with our preconceived or primed intuitions and therefore elicits a coherent and self-reinforcing pattern of associative processes. Attribute substitution is when further unconscious attributes are formed about a stimulus based on what we have precious learning in similar situations. Problem focused coping involves coping through problem solving or other cognitive processes (e. g. cognitive restructuring, re-evaluating threat, finding meaning).