PSYC 2301 Study Guide - Final Guide: Intracerebral Hemorrhage, Erectile Dysfunction, Low-Density Lipoprotein

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Stroke these two fall under the umbrella of cardiovascular disease (cvd) May be co-morbid disorders (they may be occurring with other diseases) Have modifiable risk factors (you have adjustable risk factors risk factor for diabetes is obesity, Involve the circulatory and/or metabolic system you could lose weight). Number two cause of mortality in canada and accounts for one out of five deaths in 2007. Disease of modernization (due to alterations in diet/activity level) 200 years ago, the simple man was not dying of heart attacks or on medication for his heart issues. Very difficult from our lives where we have open access to food and this is the first time in human civilization where we have too much food. 20% in men, 22% in women and mostly premature deaths (<75 years old) Major chronic disease living with the disease, you carry it for many years. Coronary heart disease (chd) is a general term that refers to illnesses caused by.