PSYC 3604 Study Guide - Final Guide: Night Terror, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Acute Stress Reaction

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Cultural relativism: no universal rule for abnormal behaviour but depends on the cultural norms. Ex: family members sleep in same bed but in the us they have separate rooms. Discomfort: behaviour is only considered abnormal if an individual suffers as a result of the behaviour. Maladaptiveness: (1) dysfunction: does someone going through a break up still go on with their everyday life (2) distress: are the symptoms evident (3) deviance: cultural relativism. Biological theory: breakdown of some systems of the body; the brain is the organ of the mind, if something goes wrong with the brain it effects cognition. Supernatural theories: curses, demons and spirits are reasons of illness and negativity. Psychological theories: mental disorders as a result of trauma. Psychoanalytic perspective: focused on the roles of the unconscious. Patient right movement: mental patients could recover more if they were integrated into the community where they can interact with others.