PLBA 3004 Study Guide - Final Guide: Zopa, Jujutsu

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Week one introduction to course and concepts. Improve or at least not damage the relationship between the parties: positional bargaining. They all increase the time and costs of reaching agreement as well as the risk that no agreement will be reached. Will allow me to reach a joint decision efficiently with an amicable outcome. Be specific by providing concrete details: acknowledge their interests as part of the problem, put the problem before your answer, look forward and not back, be concrete but flexible, be hard on the problem, soft on the people. Invent agreements of different strength: if you cannot agree on substance maybe you can agree on procedure, search for mutual gains. Identify shared interests: dovetail differing interests, ask for their preferences one way to dovetail interests is invent several options all options equally acceptable to you and ask the other side which they prefer. Page 63 factors to consider when choosing a negotiation strategy.