HIST-1106EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Praetorian Prefect, Herennius Modestinus, Aemilius Papinianus

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Dominate start of the principate: praetor"s edict had (by and large) reached its definitive form development of new rules under the ius honorarium slowly came to an end. Hadrian: julian"s edict should apply for all time edict perpetuum / perpetual edict. Gaius & papinian: scholar"s opinions were binding if they concurred from 2nd cent. onwards: many jurists worked for the imperial civil service. 205-211: papanian praefectus praetorio (kind of prime minister); herennius modestinus praefectus vigilium: literary production. Responsa collections of individual jurists classified according to one/two customary systems. Following the classification that had been designed for the ius civile. More complex sequence of the rules of the praetorian edict (rules of ius civile & ius honorarium) responsa collections: digesta & pandectae - anthologies from the advisory opinions of a single author. Particular legal source: the edict, a statute law, senate decision. Institutiones / institutes - leading genre in which systematisation was given precedence over casuistry.