HIST-1106EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Kwame Nkrumah, Agenda 21, African Nationalism

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1975: creation of group of 7, g-7, most powerful western capitalist economies. Created to co- ordinate discussion with g-77 on issues like neio. 2000s: ultimately, the non-aligned movement achieved very little. The west continued to push the washington consensus and further liberalization of markets. There was some effort to negotiate debt relief at the 2005 gleneagles summit g-8 but with the condition of a clamp- down on corruption. The effect of the debt crisis atomized the third world as disparity between the states increased. In 2008 the g-20 was formed and brics which dealt with the continuing problems of trade and indebtedness: some go so far as to label these third world states as "failed states". Climate change: after wwii, the world became aware of the effects of unrestrained modernization and industry. Much like the boom of ngos to help with human rights, so was there one to aid for climate change.