HIST-1106EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Capitulary, Accursius, Extravagantes

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In the 11th century, a cultural revival (proto-renaissance) expressed itself in several ways, including a renewed interest in roman law. The study of a rediscovered manuscript of the. Digest was also part of this cultural revival. The recovery of the text came largely via a 6th century manuscript (possibly a remnant of the promulgation of the justinian codification in the exarch of ravenna at the request of pope. Vigilius) which was originally housed in pisa but was seized as war booty in 1406 and taken to florence. The names used to refer to the parts of the justinian codification in the middle ages are not the same as those used in the 6th century. Books 1 to 24. 2 inclusive of the digest were referred to as vetus; Books 24. 3 to 38 inclusive were referred to as infortiatum; Books 39 to 50 inclusive were referred to as novum. Initially, only the first nine books of the codex were known.