HIST-1106EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Highway, World View, Four Asian Tigers

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The "asian values" position consists of a complex combination of arguments and assertions, some of them capable of causing considerable confusion. It is not enough to analyse such economic success in culture-free economic terms, or as a result of the adoption of specifically western values: a belief that a major international shift is underway, involving the rise of "the. The suggestion is sometimes present here that western countries would do well to learn from "asian values". you cannot criticize asian, because asians cannot criticize their government because they have limited individual freedom. West has no right to criticize asia, different ideologies. Many western values are similar to asian values. The role in social and economic analysis of "asian values", "western values" or "culture" in general is to be questioned: economic change may in fact be seen to be the result of other, deeper processes.