HIST-1106EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Edward Gibbon, Heinrich Brunner, Law Of Italy

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After the major codifications of civil law in the german-speaking countries and in. France had become law, one might have assumed that roman law had ceased to be a vital force in european law. No longer would a jurist consult the corpus iuris civilis for the solution to a legal issue, but would instead consult the relevant code. But europe had not seen the last of. One reason lay in the fierce resistance met by german efforts to produce a common code for all german states. This resistance originated from a polemic between the jurists. Thibaut argued for a codification in answer to the french code civil, which germans had already encountered as a result of napoleon"s quest for empire. Savigny, on the other hand, argued that a general codification inhibited the organic growth of the law. This followed the theories of authors such as edward. Gibbon concerning the course of development of society in ancient rome.