HIST-1106EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Scholia, Corpus Juris Civilis, Ulpian

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Official foundation of rome: 753bc by romulus and remus. Initially: rome as kingdom, ad 500bc rome becomes a republic. Law: unwritten customs interpreted by college of pontiffs (patricians) Plebeians demanded that the law be put in writing to increase legal certainty (distrust of patricians) 451bc: success, decemviri (commission of ten citizens) write down customary law. Result: ended vagaries and prevented priests from changing the law. Outlined procedural aspects, governed private law, public law and sacral law. Pater familias as head of family: owner of family assets, liable for wrongful damage caused by people under his authority (pay damages / noxae deditio (surrender of the person)) Legal action can only be initiated if facts of case fit within one of the available procedural forms (plaintiff must ceremoniously speak precise words of the form) Supervision of correct method of reciting charged to special magistrate: praetor (est.