HIST-1106EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Tinder, North Waziristan

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An analysis of us strategic policy in afghanistan and its implications for pakistan following the killing of osama bin laden on 2 may 2011. Since the death of bin laden, pakistan/us relations have taken a turn for the worst. The killing itself and us violation of pakistan sovereignty has triggered outrage across the country as has the use of cross border drone attacks which have cost the lives of many civilians. On the other hand, the us is becoming increasingly strident in its demands on the. Pakistan military and in its accusations that pakistan is not only not doing enough to counter militant activity within the country but is actively assisting or hiding senior al qaeda figures. The result is a growing crisis in pakistan/us relations. Afghanistan has always acted as a destabilising force within pakistan. In recent years that destabilisation has only increased.