HIST-1107EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Law Of Italy, Jeremy Bentham, Dominium Directum Et Utile

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The german romanists of the historical school sought the pure roman law of antiquity, and increasingly saw their work more as a scientific discipline of law, with dogmatism as one of their central tenets. They critically re-examined all developments in law since the middle ages. For example, they rejected the medieval distinction between dominium utile and dominium directum, the two types of ownership. This distinction had been invented to accommodate the rights under the feudal relationship of lord-vassal. In this interpretation, lord and vassal each had a clearly distinct right of ownership to the same property, the lord"s being defined as the dominium directum and the vassal"s as the dominium utile. The romanists were very keen on achieving developments in the law through scientific debate. But it became increasingly clear that many of the social problems facing. Germany in the 19th century demanded a more dynamic approach. Legislation, and codification of the law, were needed.