HIST-1107EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Stono Rebellion, Antinomianism, Anne Hutchinson

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Guns and fire: fur trade between english and indians kept them connected, frank shuffelton, circumstantial accounts, dangerous art: recognizing african-american. Culture in traveler"s narratives, eighteenth-century studies, 27:1 (summer 1994)* this is an interesting article that discusses the limitations of historians" source material/evidence. You might want to read this one in the context of other modules you may be taking, e. g. , evidence and argument. Many scholars have documted the world the slaves made when actual emergence of. Aa ommunity in colonies of british north america and later us is less clear than its eventual presence. Work of strongest historical researches rely far more heavily on 19th century sources than. 18th century: records of oral histories from ex-slaves are lost, literacy less common and view of aa culture is consequently more shadowy in its specific features. Substantial number of travellers" accounts reveal a cultural presence that they fail to describe in detail.