HIST-1107EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Secular Religion, Reductionism, Civil Religion

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Brown, civic ceremony and religion in medieval bruges c. 1300 1520. The sacred and the profane are always and everywhere conceived by the human intellect as separate genera, as two worlds with nothing in common. The sacred thing is, par excellence, that which the profane must not can cannot touch with impunity. Sacred things are things protected and isolated by prohibitions; profane things are those things to which the prohibitions are applied and that must keep at a distance from what is sacred. Sacred things are things that are set apart, forbidden, are declared holy and worthy of worship; Question 2: durkheim claims that religion consists of two basic categories: beliefs" and rituals". Define these two terms and explain how they relate to each other. Beliefs are states of opinion and consist of representations; rituals are particular modes of action.