HIST-1107EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Neo-Darwinism, Auguste Comte, Edward B. Titchener

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Right zeitgeist, expedition with the beagle, never left britain again after that, supporter: lyell, Natural selection: survival of the fittest, process by which environment continues and multiplies organisms with specific features and hinders production of organisms with other features, first type o features: favorable, second type: unfavorable. The origin of species 1859: darwins book about evolutionary theory, crucial step for eugenics. Natural selection: environment and nature that select certain traits. Sexual selection: form of artificial selection, preferences for mating. Dilution problem: darwin failed to explain how a single plant/ animal could dominate the rest (white man in a black community will dilute not dominate) Tree of life: no hierarchy, nature = branching tree, species differentiate but all come back to the same starting point, everything is related. Tried to search evidence for the argument that features (human"s intellectuality, moral, personality) are inherited, darwin s cousin, founder of eugenics.