HIST-1107EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Comity, The Technique, Egyptian Language

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The history of pil begins in northern italy in the 12th century, however, conflict problems existed, and solutions to theme had been devised, in much earlier times. B. c. , a decree issued in egypt provided that contracts written in greek were subject to the jurisdiction of the greek courts which applied greek law, whereas contracts written in the. Egyptian language were subject to the jurisdiction of the egyptian courts which applied. By the 12th century, when the digest was rediscovered, the city-states of. Northern italy had begun to develop their own local customs and laws (statuta), whilst also swearing allegiance to the revived roman law that remained the over-arching general law. These cities engaged in extensive trade among themselves and with other states, and thus conflicts of law began to emerge again. For example, if a merchant from bologna was sued in.