HIST-1107EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Theodor W. Adorno, Carl Dahlhaus, Double Variation

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Sonata form in shubert: the first mvt of the gmajor string quartet op 161 d. 887 dahlhaus: cannot measure schubert"s lyric-epic sonata form by the standards of beethoven"s dramatic- dialectic form p1, work in question was published posthumously, regarded as epic of novelistic (in the seas used by. Variations 1 and 2 become longer than the theme because of a developmental extension. A sequence based on the 5-bar model / (b90-94) referring back to the beginning of the theme and an epilogue (100-109) which combines liquidation of the model with a delayed cadence. The practice continues after / schubert as well: in brahms and mahler we observe the tendency to transform symphonic sonata form, now presented in an extreme fashion, into a cycle of variations on two theme groups in regular alternation. Completely new way": melody, bass and harmonic-metrical scheme of op 35 form nearly equal components of the.