HIST-1107EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Economic Inequality, Authoritarianism, Samuel Finer

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Argentina the economic dominance of beef and wheat produced two major social results: the absence of a peasantry, especially in the pampas region the importation of working-class labour from europe. For economic and demographic reasons, argentina"s urban working class began exerting pressure on the political system in the 1930s, but there was no possibility of a class-based alliance with a peasantry; Starting in 1966 and again in 1976, the military, committed to barring the peronists from power, seized the state and attempted to impose a bureaucratic authoritarian"" regime. The dominant alliance consisted of military officers, foreign investors, local industrialists, and landowners. Workers were repressed and forcibly excluded from power. It has contained every type of social actor, including a peasantry (and migratory rural proletariat) and a working class. Foreign interests, especially the copper companies, collaborated with an upper class that was deeply involved in finance and industry as well as land.