HIST-1107EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Situational Ethics, Leonard B. Meyer, Chromatic Scale

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The decline of progressive education led to the dominance of music education as aesthetic education. This statement hinges upon the belief that philosophies of progressive education and aesthetic education are mutually exclusive. Indeed, at first glance, this does seem to be the case. For example, aestheticians emphasise directed, goal-based, quantifiable, and assessment-oriented learning, whilst progressive educators prioritise transferrable skill development, situational exploration, and lifelong educational progress (randal everett allsup and heidi westerlund 2012). Thus, the rise of aesthetic education in the 1970s seemingly implies the absence of progressive education: philosophical incompatibility necessitates the dominance of one in education systems, with each being the replacement for (or alternative to) the other. However, i object to this logic for two reasons. First, these methods are not mutually exclusive: the aesthetic theory of music education builds upon and responds to many of the problems, as well as central premises, of progressive education (e. g. john. Dewey"s concept of life lived as a philosophical art").