HIST-1107EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Territorial Entity, Lorenzo Valla, Jus Commune

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Learned law started to have influence on ius proprium through reception & acculturation. Reception: refers to adoption of particular concepts & rules of material law. Acculturation: refers to formal adaption of it to the culture and forms of learned law. Canon law was traditionally under influence of roman law application of canon law spread also roman law. France divided from east to west into two legal cultures. In england romanization was much more limited. Acculturation of ius proprium during middle ages three major examples: written word became a much bigger role in judicial procedure, recording of customary & case law, rationalization of evidentiary law. Most kings promoted the study & reception of roman law. Because common to all useful instrument to enhance political & legal unity. Unification is of major importance for political unity & administrative efficiency. French kings: roman law = law of the emperor fear that supremacy would strengthen emperor"s claim for supremacy.