HIST-1107EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Mardonius, Gerontocracy, Helots

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People left mainland greece and relocated to a new settlements created it from scratch, fortified it and started exploiting the land. Earliest greek market place ever unearthed in. Have discovered the boundaries between different fields all equal. People were assigned to equal lands people starting from scratch, people getting a new chance in the colonies. Archaeology shows different things finds clusters of people which indicates that we face the same process of greek settlement. Small clusters of villages originally inhabited by merchants. Greeks were not the only people who settled. They didn"t bring any women with them, which means that they married locally. Inclusive society not like it was in the 5th century. Polis: urban centre and territory (chora: special relation to the motherland (metropolis). Interpretation 2: diversity and complexity: home away from home": joint-state ventures and private enterprises besides state- organised expeditions.