HIST-1107EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Baldus De Ubaldis, Glossator, Irnerius

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The earlier generations of civilians (until 1263) are the glossators. Contributed to the development of the scholastic method. The literary output (tworczosc literacka) of the glossators consisted primarily of glossae (glosses) annotations written in the margin around the original text. Sometimes brief comments were inserted between the lines. Some glosses offered only a basic, literary clarification on points of vocabulary or syntax (skladnia); others went deeper into the material content of the law. The glossators aimed at explaining the text and discovering the ideal law hidden. The corpus iuris civilis and its digest didn"t form a systematic, consistent, comprehensive textbook of roman law it was an anthology of roman jurisprudence, produced over a period of several centuries. The deeper the glossators dug and the more they analyzed the ius civile, the more frequently they were confronted by the enormity (ogrom) of their ambition to provide a consistent interpretation of roman law.